[Bldg-sim] Case Studies of Active Mass Ceilings

Aalok Deshmukh aalok.deshmukh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 19:18:40 PST 2008

I suppose you are aware of Council House 2 in Melbourne? See
http://www.gbcaus.org/docs/GBCA_Ch2_factsheet%201.pdf for basic information.
A web search throws up a number of results as well, but not a lot of
specific information.

Lincolne Scott (recently acquired by WSP Group) were the engineers on the
project. They have offices in Sydney and we (Rocky Mountain Institute) work
closely with their US offices, so if you need, I could put you in touch with
someone in their US office, so as to put you through directly with the
relevant folks in Sydney/Melbourne for specifics.

-Aalok Deshmukh.

On Jan 6, 2008 5:54 PM, hamnmegs at ozemail.com.au <hamnmegs at ozemail.com.au>

> My company, Bovis Lend Lease, is potentially going to be involved in the
> design & construct of a high rise ofice building employing active mass
> ceilings (high temperature CHW through the structural slab exposed to the
> occupied space below) in combination with underfloor air using 19C or so air
> supplied through Krantz type swirl diffusers.  Being in Sydney Australia the
> focus is on cooling rather than heating although perimeter heating would be
> provided via a separate underfloor air AHU or trench heating etc.
> The system offers IEQ and energy efficiency advantages in theory ...
> though there are a number of fitout and construction challenges.
> We are aware of numerous German and Swiss built examples of this type of
> system, but understand the Canadians have been applying this type of system
> in places thus I am hopeful this forum can assist with my query.  I would
> appreciate any information on buildings in operation or construction with
> active mass cooling / ceilings outside of Germany and Switzerland.  Building
> names and locations as a minimum, but any other information would be kindly
> received ...
> Regards,
> Graham Carter
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