[Bldg-sim] Allowable LPD - Hi-bay warehouse

Alec Stevens astevens at dmiinc.com
Thu Jan 3 07:10:06 PST 2008


I am modeling a high-bay warehouse with 53' ceiling height.  Looking in
table 9.6 of 90.1-2004, the allowable LPD for a "medium / bulky" warehouse
is 0.9 W/sf.  However, there is no distinction made for ceiling height, as
there is for the manufacturing category, which differentiates between
high-bay and low-bay.  

When modeling to demonstrate compliance with 90.1, is there any allowance
for a higher LPD in a high-bay warehouse location?




Alec Stevens, PE, LEED AP

35 Walnut Street, Wellesley, MA 02481
p: 781-431-1100 x11 f: 781-431-1109
e: astevens at dmiinc.com


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