[Bldg-sim] Mixed Mode Ventilation in eQUEST

Michael Tillou michael.tillou at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 12:18:36 PST 2008

If your project is seeking LEED certification and you want to claim credit
for the Natural Ventilation under EA-1, I reccomend that you get the book
"Natural ventilation in non-domestic buildings" published by the CIBSE and
the Carbon Trust.  USGBC requires a rigourous analysis of your natural
ventilation modeling results before granting any EA-1 credit and this
reference will help you navigate that.  You should also read the CIR
regarding natural ventilation energy savings on the USGBC website.
Michael Tillou, PE, LEED
Tillou Engineering, LLC
Williamstown, MA 01267
P: 413-458-9870 C: 413-652-1087


From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Robby Oylear
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 1:28 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Mixed Mode Ventilation in eQUEST

Hi all,


I'm working on an energy model for a project that is very interested in
incorporating a mixed mode ventilation scheme.  The mixed mode would operate
in an on/off red light green light method where the mechanical cooling would
shut down during hours when the outdoor air temperature could meet the space
cooling loads and the mechanical system would run its relief fan in order to
pull air into the space.  It would be up to the occupants to open the
operable windows.  


I've been through the basic options for natural ventilation in eQUEST and it
doesn't look like what's available in eQUEST is going to work for the PIU
system I have in the building right now. I'm thinking it will have to
involve some sort of schedule modification to turn off the perimeter VAV box
fans during hours when the loads could be met by the natural ventilation.  I
could make the schedule based on BIN calc information for Seattle.  This
would involve a lot of fine tuning though and it would be questionable
whether I could still keep the unmet load hours under 300.  To simulate the
operable windows modifications could be made to the infiltration values at
the perimeter spaces.


If anyone has had any success with mixed mode ventilation or has any ideas
towards this it would be much appreciated.


Robby Oylear

Project Engineer

direct: 206.788.4571

cell: 206.354.2721

 <http://www.rushingco.com/> www.rushingco.com


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