Luis Pérez-Lombard lpl at us.es
Wed Feb 20 01:24:56 PST 2008

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for references concerning DOE2 chiller performance curves.
I know e-Quest library has many default curves for different chiller types and Title 24 Non-residential ACM Manual sets regression constants in Table N2-19 through Table N2-24 for the performance curves of electric chillers (CAP-FT, EIR-FT, EIR-FPLR).

I would like to know how those curves where obtained and if any documentation is available for the survey supporting those figures (number of chillers, manufacturers, assumptions,...)

Thank you in advance.
Luis P.-Lombard

 Luis Pérez-Lombard.
 Profesor Colaborador.
 Grupo de Termotecnia.
 Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Mecánica de Fluidos.
 Escuela Superior de Ingenieros.
 Universidad de Sevilla.
 Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n
 41092  SEVILLA
 Tel.:  95.448.72.56
 Fax:  95.446.31.53
 e-mail:  lpl at us.es
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