[Equest-users] FC+DOAS

DongEun Kim equested at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 19:49:58 PDT 2011

Hi eQuester !

I am trying FC+DOAS system.
Instead of using dummy zone method, I am looking for a way
to implement DOAS  within FCU.
These are the steps I will take:

 1. I re-calculate fan cfm and static pressure to count in energy
consumption from DOAS,
 2. I put OA cfm in the FC system to count OA processing load.

Can someone tell me if I 'm heading a right direction?
Any commnet will be a great help!
Thank you in advance.


 *Kim, DongEun(DE) | Research Engineer, LEED AP
Annex R&D Institute, HIMEC(Hanil Mech. & Elec. Consultants)*
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