[Equest-users] Bldg Area in BEPS/BEPU

Seth P. Spangler sspangle at rmf.com
Tue Jun 21 07:51:01 PDT 2011

Thanks for the responses everyone.


Omer led me in the right direction but I had to change different parameters.


Under the Building Shell tab I changed the space setting to  be "conditioned" for all spaces that were listed as "unconditioned" with the exception of the plenum spaces - these I left alone. Previously I was changing the HVAC zones without any results. I did not change anything under the HVAC tabs and the spaces remained as "unconditioned" from an HVAC standpoint. By doing this the BEPS/BEPU and LS-C reports all show the correct building area without affecting the building energy consumption. Review of the LPD and process loads confirms the spaces are modeled for energy analysis and now all reports are showing the correct area.


Thanks again for the help.


Seth P Spangler, PE, LEED AP BD+C


RMF Engineering
Reliability. Efficiency. Integrity.

p: 843.971.9639
www.rmf.com <http://www.rmf.com/> 
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From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Ömer Moltay
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 7:56 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Bldg Area in BEPS/BEPU


Dear Seth,

I realized the same problem due to a review comment from GBCI. I was able to modify the net area values (actually only the MBTU/net area value, as only this is displayed in the reports) by changing the conditioned - unconditioned - plenum status of the spaces (be careful, not the thermal zones, but the spaces). I do not know anything about the MBTU/gross area value, since this is displayed as INF in my case (meaning infinity? meaning I have infinite energy consumption ? :)) 

Hope this helps,

Omer Moltay

21.06.2011 14:49, Seth P. Spangler yazmış: 

Hello all,


I recently completed a project and while going through the QC process I noticed that the building area as reported on the BEPS/BEPU reports does not match up with the model input. I have looked through the various other reports and the building square footage appears to be modeled as designed. I think the culprit might be unconditioned spaces but when I change these spaces to conditioned the problem still persists. Does anyone have any suggestions where to start trouble shooting or which report might tell me where the discrepancy is. The reported area is off by 15% on the BEU/BEPS reports.


Thanks in advance for your help. 


Seth P Spangler, PE, LEED AP BD+C


RMF Engineering
Reliability. Efficiency. Integrity.

p: 843.971.9639
www.rmf.com <http://www.rmf.com/> 
"Find us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/home.php#%21/pages/RMF-Engineering/193267750706493> "


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