[Equest-users] Bldg Area in BEPS/BEPU

Ömer Moltay omoltay at mimtarch.com
Tue Jun 21 04:56:02 PDT 2011

Dear Seth,

I realized the same problem due to a review comment from GBCI. I was 
able to modify the net area values (actually only the MBTU/net area 
value, as only this is displayed in the reports) by changing the 
conditioned - unconditioned - plenum status of the spaces (be careful, 
not the thermal zones, but the spaces). I do not know anything about the 
MBTU/gross area value, since this is displayed as INF in my case 
(meaning infinity? meaning I have infinite energy consumption ? :))

Hope this helps,

Omer Moltay

21.06.2011 14:49, Seth P. Spangler yazm?s,:
> Hello all,
> I recently completed a project and while going through the QC process 
> I noticed that the building area as reported on the BEPS/BEPU reports 
> does not match up with the model input. I have looked through the 
> various other reports and the building square footage appears to be 
> modeled as designed. I think the culprit might be unconditioned spaces 
> but when I change these spaces to conditioned the problem still 
> persists. Does anyone have any suggestions where to start trouble 
> shooting or which report might tell me where the discrepancy is. The 
> reported area is off by 15% on the BEU/BEPS reports.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> *Seth P Spangler, PE, LEED AP BD+C
> *
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