[Equest-users] Exterior Lighting Power Allowances

Bishop, Bill wbishop at pathfinder-ea.com
Wed Jun 15 05:48:23 PDT 2011


I don't see any category in Table 9.4.5 that landscaped areas would fall under. I had the "plaza" discussion in our firm as well, and the general consensus was that a plaza had to be an area intended to be walked on or through, and occupied by people and maybe vendors. A plaza might have small areas of green space, landscaping, trees etc. but that is not the primary function. (Google "plaza" and search images for examples.) If an area fit this description then I would include the total area (including small non-paved areas) in the W/ft2 calculation. If you look at the rest of the tradable surfaces in Table 9.4.5, they are all areas where people would be walking.

On a related note, I received the following comment in a LEED review: "Lighting fixtures cannot be double-counted for different exterior surfaces. When the Proposed building has a canopy or overhang over the main doors, the Baseline calculations can either take credit for the lighting under canopy or for the lighting over main doors, but not both."


-----Original Message-----
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Ömer Moltay
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:14 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Exterior Lighting Power Allowances

Dear All,

Although this has always looked straight forward during energy 
modelling, new questions have been raised lately among my colleagues 
about how this issue should be approached in modelling Baseline cases.

Let's say that we have a 1000 m2 landscaped rectangular area in our 
model, which is neighbored on one side by a walkway. Bollard type 
luminaires placed on the landscape area along the walkway illuminate 
both the walkway and the landscaped area. Functionally of course the aim 
is to illuminate the walkway, but the bollards also provide an 
aesthetical lighting for the plants in the landscape area.

First of all, is there any allowance for landscape areas under 
90.1-2007? Do plaza areas include landscape areas?

Second, in calculating baseline power allowance, are we supposed to use 
the allownace for Walkways or for the landscape area?

Thank you for any replies,

Omer Moltay
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