[Equest-users] 2007 90.1 Appendix G3.1.2.4

Brad L. Huff BradH at BVHis.com
Fri Jun 10 08:16:22 PDT 2011


I apologize for the blank email I previously sent, I meant to hit save, not send (Paul was quick to respond, thank you). I am modeling a dormitory of System Type 1. Appendix G Section G3.1.2.4 states, "Supply and return fans shall operate continuously whenever spaces are occupied and shall be cycled to meet heating and cooling loads during unoccupied hours." If the building occupancy schedule is fractionally loaded 24/7, am I over exaggerating fan energy consumption of the PTAC units by operating the fans continuously 24/7? Has anyone received review comments from LEED on the issue?

Thank you,
Brad Huff, E.I.T., LEED Green Associate, Mechanical Engineer I BVH Integrated Services I 860.286.9171 tel I 860.242.0236 fax I 50 Griffin Road South, Bloomfield CT 06002 I .bvhis.com<http://www.bvhis.com/> I twitter.com/bvhis I Hartford  Boston

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