[Equest-users] Condenser loop control?

Carol Gardner cmg750 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 08:52:44 PST 2010

The commands you are looking for are for the cooling tower. See below.


 Volume 2: Dictionary <volume2dictionary.htm> > HVAC
CIRCULATION-LOOP <circulationloop2.htm> > Loop Temperature

Code word specifies the loop temperature control sequence:

FIXED                         specifies that the loop supply temperature is
controlled to a fixed value, specified by the COOL-SEPT-T

OA-RESET                   specifies that the loop supply temperature is
reset on outdoor air according to the COOL-RESET-SCH.

SCHEDULED                specifies that the loop supply temperature is
controlled to a schedule specified by the COOL-SETPT-SCH.

LOAD-RESET               specifies that the loop supply temperature is
resetso that the valve of the worst-case coil is fully open. The
reset temperature for a cooling-type loop is MIN-RESET-T. LOAD-RESET is
applicable to any loop serving a chilled-water coil (CHW, PIPE2). It is also
applicable to a condenser-water loop; here this control mode will enable the
cooling tower temperature to float with the load and wet-bulb temperature as
described in the cooling tower sections.

                                  Since a WLHP loop also uses a cooling
tower, LOAD-RESET is applicable to the heat-rejection side of a WLHP loop.
It does not apply, however, to the heating setpoint of a WLHP loop.

                                  This mode maximizes the efficiency of the
primary equipment and minimizes the loop's thermal losses (but at the
expense of pumping energy in a variable-flow loop). Refer to
LOOP-FLOW-RESETfor information on how to minimize the pumping
penalties associated with
this control scheme.

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:26 AM, Chris Jones <cj at enersave.ca> wrote:

>  I believe that the CONT-SETPT-CTRL = VARIABLE provides similar control?
> At 08:16 AM 19/11/2010, Brian Fountain wrote:
> In DOE-2.1e, you had the option of condenser loop control by wet-bulb
> reset.  I cannot figure out how to do that in DOE-2.2.  Any suggestions or
> was this option lost in the combining of systems & plants.
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Carol Gardner PE
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