[Equest-users] Accessing WSHP/GSHP setup in DD wizard.

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 21:58:12 PST 2010

Hi Andy,

This can't be done in the wizard.  You will have to switch to DDedit mode
for this higher level--complex HVAC system type.

Also, you will want to read more about the WSHP systems in the DOE2 support
documents (Volume 3-Topics...under Air-side systems.)   You will also need
to understand how a geothermal system hooks up to the componenets in
eQuest.  First read about the circulation loops (Volume 2) and then you will
want to read about your "chillers" which is what you will specify to
represent your heat pumps (Volume 2-chillers).

It's late so I can't go into more detail now, but if you have further
questions write back to the group or send me an email off-line and I can try
and help you more later.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Andy Mcleod <moon161 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm learning to use eQUEST, and can't figure out how to enter data for WSHP
> and GSHP. The WSHP Plant Equipment and GSHP Plant Equipment buttons are both
> grayed out on the DD wizard Project Navigator screen.
> Has anyone run into this before?
> Andy McLeod
> Mech. EIT
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