[Equest-users] Two systems in one thermal zone?

Carol Gardner cmg750 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 10:14:24 PDT 2010

Do you want the air supplied at a constant volume or variable volume? If CV
then use PSZ, if VAV then use VAVS or PVAV. To get rid of your heating coil
you can either un-select it or make it really, really small. Enter your
electric resistance heating as a supplemental or baseboard heat source.


2010/11/5 Самолётов Михаил <samoletov.mikhail at bt-comfort.ru>

>  Hi, all!
>  I want to modeling OA system with electric resistance heating   and fan
> coils without heating and without outside air (on chilled water). Look
> forward any suggestions...
> Sincerely yours,
> Mikhail Samoletov
> Chief engineer of
> *"Numerical Simulation Department"*
> Cvetochnaya str, 25"Zh", 196084 St.Petersburg, Russia
> www.bt-comfort.ru
> phone/fax +7 (812) 318-50-30
> mob. +7 (931) 244-83-77
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Carol Gardner PE
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