[Equest-users] Simulation queries

Vikram Sami VSami at lasarchitect.com
Wed Jan 20 15:05:56 PST 2010



My best shot:


1.       This is what the LOADS program sees in eQUEST (lights, plugs,
etc). Fans, compressors etc are included in the SS-reports. Incidentally
- if you look at your installation folder, you should be able to browse
to a file called Detailed Simulation Reports Summary.pdf. This is your
Bible for interpreting the SIM file. 

2.       This shouldn't be surprising - especially if you added shading.
For example - if you have significant south glass (you mentioned SW &
SE), adding shades will transfer the peak load to a late fall-early
winter time. 

3.       I've found the best way to do this is to cut and paste the text
(either into word, or even better - into XL). You can also print to PDF.


Vikram Sami, LEED AP 
Direct Phone 404-253-1466 | Direct Fax 404-253-1366 



From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Kristin
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 4:47 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Simulation queries




While running a recent project, I've come up with a handful of questions
to pose to the group. These are all based on a recent project, which is
a 3 story office building in the southern hemisphere, with 6 cooling
only VAV AHUs with electric zone reheat and a air cooled chiller.



1.       From the detailed simulated output file, Building Monthly Loads
Summary (sheet LS-D): This sheet shows Cooling, Heating, and Electrical
loads. Are the stated electrical loads non-hvac only? In my current
project, these loads do not vary from month to month and this is the
only explanation I've come up with.


2.       Doing a baseline vs proposed system comparison, I'm seeing
variances in the peak heating and cooling times. Any ideas why? I had
thought that these would be similar days/times as we are using the same
weather file, same orientation etc. The proposed model does incorporate
a shading system to the SE and SW facades and the baseline model does
not have this.


3.       Is there an easier way to export the summary report sheets into
word documents? (Rather than making jpgs and copy/paste, which looks


Thanks so much for any responses.


Kristin Gustafson

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