[Equest-users] Walls and Zones Part 2

omoltay at mimtarch.com omoltay at mimtarch.com
Tue Jan 12 12:09:30 PST 2010

Thank you for all the replies. Especially from Katie. Now 2 more questions

1. The building I am struggling with has a roof that is pitched in
different ways. More, there are atria that cut through the pitched roof.
Is the following possible:
- Creating a simple building in Wizard mode with flat roof,
- In Detailed Edit mode, delete the flat roof and add multiple roof
surfaces above each space and tilt them accordingly. In the presence of
atria, several roof surfaces will be needed over one space. Thus,is it
possible for one space to have several roof surfaces?

2. I see that eQuest calculates the volume of each space by multiplying
the space area with the Flr-to-Clg height. However, when I do the
modifications in 1, the volumes should increase. Do I have to calculate
these manually and give them to eQuest?

I am attaching a screenshot of the building without the tilted roofs. You
will understand better what I am talking about with the atria and so on.

Thanks a lot,

Omer Moltay, LEED AP
Mimta Ltd.
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