[Equest-users] Multiple Floors with Multiple Roofs?

Anand.Varahala at us.schneider-electric.com Anand.Varahala at us.schneider-electric.com
Tue Jan 5 07:53:05 PST 2010


I will go ahead and assume you meant to say you created 3 "shells" 
(instead of 'models') and stacked them on top of each other.

If you did this in the Design Development Wizard, you must have chosen a 
roof type for every shell, which would be incorrect according to eQUEST. 
One of the cons of eQUEST is unlike walls it doesn't automatically detect 
floors adjacent to roofs and 'crop' them accordingly.
You will have to do this yourself in detailed data edit mode. There are 
two ways to do this:

1. Assign a roof for every shell and then delete the portions that have a 
floor above.
2. Do not create roofs for any of the floors except the top most, and then 
in detailed mode add roofs to the lower level floors as needed.

I hope this will be fixed in the upcoming version 3.64, but we will have 
to wait and see.

Hope it helps, let me know if you have more questions.

Anand Varahala, LEED® AP  |   Schneider Electric   |  Energy Solutions  |  
Application Engineer 
Phone: +1 (919) 227-3920  |   Fax: +1 (859) 962-4561  |   Mobile: +1 (919) 
Email: Anand.Varahala at us.schneider-electric.com  |   Site: 
www.schneider-electric.us  |   Address: 4917 Waters Edge Dr, Suite 270, 
Raleigh NC 27606 USA
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Equest-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 5

----- Message from Jason Wendel <jwendel at heatheng.com> on Tue, 5 Jan 2010 
15:09:47 +0000 -----
"'equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org'" 
<equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
[Equest-users] Multiple Floors with Multiple Roofs?
I am modeling a building with 2-3 floors depending on where in the 
building you are.  Each of the floors are somewhat different so I created 
3 models and stacked them on top of each other.  Once I got into the 
detailed mode I find that the program put a roof on each floor.  I had 
incorrectly assumed that if I put one floor on top of another, then the 
program would recognize that it?s ?roof? is adjacent to another floor and 
make it adiabatic while overhangs and extended roofs would keep their 
?roof label?.  Do I now need to go through and delete all the roofs from 
the 1st and part of the 2nd floor?  Or does eQuest not take them in on the 
calculation because it knows that it should be adiabatic since it has a 
floor above it?

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