[Equest-users] 1) Warning message and 2) Chiller COP

Jeff Ross-Bain jeff at rbgb.com
Mon Dec 20 09:24:14 PST 2010

Hi All,


By the way, many thanks to all the contributors and organizers of this
energy modeling resource - it is fantastic!


1)   I have received several of these warning messages (20+) and they refer
to a specific hour and occur over winter and late fall in hot, humid
Georgia. It occurs when a standard VAV system with chilled water cooling
with electric re-heat is modeled including (and not including) a pre-heater.
It only occurs in one, sometimes two, shells but when I delete that shell,
the warnings pop up in another shell. I am usually able to detective my way
through the warning messages but this one has me stumped. Any comments /




             Zone: EL3 ENE Perim Zn (G.ENE2)        could not successfully

             allocate all equipment energy to the 5-minute bins

             because of an equipment overload.  The peak load

             used in ECONOMICS will not include the fraction due

             to the overload, but the PLANT reports will.

             Mon/Day/Hour:  2  9 10  Energy:   9.2  Unallocated: 0.671



2)       Also, regarding chiller COP input in the wizard mode. I assume that
the full load COP is the input and not the part load (less than 150 ton,
electric, air cooled). This is what I believe is the case from reviewing the
various documentation (eQUEST tutorials, ASHRAE Users Manual, etc.) but am
not 100% sure now. Here is a print screen from a selection for reference:



Best wishes for a Happy Holiday!


Jeffrey G Ross-Bain, PE, LEED, BEMP

Ross-Bain Green Building, LLC



P Build Green...Save Time


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