[Equest-users] what HVAC system type for a building with residential and nonresidential?

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 23:39:04 PST 2010

Hi Zhiren,

If I were in your shoes, it makes more sense to me to apply option 2 to your
project. Where the retail/commercial is distintly different than the
residential, and I assume that you are applying the different operating
schedules to the respective building types, this seems to offer the most
realistic baseline comparison for your proposed design model.

I suggest you use Option 2.


On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 7:18 PM, zhiren zhou <zhouzr at cabr-sh.com> wrote:

>  Dear all:
>          My project is a 84- floor super-high building with 27 floors for
> office and 47 floors for residential(hotel and apartment) and others for
> retail and equipment floors. When I select baseline HVAC system I’m confused
> as both the two option below sounds rational:
> 1)       The Note under TABLE G3.1.1A- Baseline HVAC System Types in Page
> 181 of ASHRAE 90.1 tells that : “Where attributes make a building eligible
> for more than one baseline system type, use the predominant condition to
> determine the system type for the entire building.”
> 2)       The explanation in Page G-23 of ASHRAE 90.1 MANUAL tells that :
> “If a building has both residential and nonresidential spaces with their
> total conditioned floor area both greater than 20,000 ft², for instance a
> residential tower with retail and restaurants at the base, then the HVAC
> system type is determined separately for the residential and nonresidential
> portions.”
> So if I follow option 1 I should select PTAC for the whole building which I
> think unsuitable. else if I follow option 2 I should select PTAC for
> residential and VAV for office and others.
> Which option should I follow?
> Could anyone tell me? Thanks
>                                                         Zhiren ZHOU
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