[Equest-users] how to set the OA values in eQUEST

zhiren zhou zhouzr at cabr-sh.com
Sat Dec 11 07:27:58 PST 2010

Dear eQUESTers

       I am doing LEED-CS energy rating simulation. Part of the project is
residential type (hotel) and the HVAC system for baseline is PTAC while the
proposed system is FCU+DOAs. The Appendix G doesn't  tell  us to create the
PTAC baseline system with DOAS. But the question is how to set the OA value
to PTAC system in  eQUEST?  I think I should set the OA value in the
interface below, but how? Has anyone performed the PTAC simulation and Can
you tell me the details or can you give me an example you did?

         Thanks a lot!


                                                        Yours Zhiren Zhou


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