[Equest-users] User Defined Zone Names in the Wizard

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 15:12:12 PST 2010

I have also used this feature successfully on my 4 yr old, Windows XP
machine.  Send over your files (.pd2 & .inp) and I'd be happy to see if I
can recreate the error on my machine...

However, this is my guess on why it is crashing your file.  From the images
you sent you have 35-ish zones in your floor plan.  I'm going to assume that
you also have plenums for all these spaces...if so this means that you have
70 zones that you are asking to custom re-name.   This is a lot of data for
the littel eQuest wizard to handle.

My sugesstion to you based on my simulation experience is that you need to
simplify your zoning pattern for the sake of eQuest, and for your own sanity
when you move into DDedit mode.   It is poor practice for models to be zoned
for every internal wall in the ARCH drawings.   eQuest doesn't think like
Arch programs, it thinks like HVAC programs so when you zone your floor
plans you should combine all adjacent spaces that are "thermally alike".
Not only will it simplify your model file so that DOE2 can easily process it
(faster run times too) and it will simplify your inputs and the management
of your inputs if you can streamline your input data for those spaces that
you can combine.

Unless you have an independent HVAC system serving each of your zones and
they are all being conditioned to different thermal characteristics, it is
not good modeling practice to zone every single space and internal wall from
the ARCH dwgs.

If you want more info or a review of your inputs and zoning pattern, I'm
happy to make suggestions based on "if I were in your shoes...this is what I
would do."


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Eddie Corwin <ecorwin at altanova-energy.com>wrote:

>   I am not sure if this is a new feature, but I never noticed it before.
>  In the wizard, underneath the zoning drop down menu there is a button
> titled "Zone names and Characteristics"  In there, there is an option to
> change the zone naming from "Automatic" to "User Defined".   Whenever I
> select User defined, the program hangs for a few seconds, than quits
> unexpectedly.  Has anyone gotten this feature to work, or know why it
> causes eQuest to crash on me?
> Attached are a few pix that show what I am taking about.
> Thank,
> -Eddie
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