[Equest-users] eQuest and Federal Weatherization Assistance Program

Jeff Staller staller at h-m-g.com
Wed Apr 21 16:51:27 PDT 2010

Good Afternoon,

Does anyone know if eQuest has been submitted to DOE for use as approved energy audit software for the Weatherization Assistance Program for use in high rise multi-family buildings?  As far as I can tell from the weatherization assistance program website eQuest has not been approved.  I realize the use of eQuest for weatherization analysis may be overkill, kind of like cutting butter with a chainsaw, but still curious if it's been submitted.

I appreciate any insight!

Jeff Staller, CEM, CEPE, LEED AP
Gold River ● Oakland  ● Encinitas
www.h-m-g.com <http://www.h-m-g.com/>  
491 2nd Street, Suite 102

Encinitas, CA 92024
619-756-8910 mobile

916-844-1029 office
760-436-7014 fax
staller at h-m-g.com <mailto:staller at h-m-g.com>  
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