[Equest-users] how to model 2 story, multifamily w/ different shell configuration ?

Ryan Schmidt RSchmidt at Horizon-Engineering.com
Thu Oct 1 05:11:59 PDT 2009



To make a roof in DD:


The existing roof is defined by the corresponding floor polygon. Make a
copy of that polygon. Create a new external wall and define it by that
polygon. Now you can modify the polygon vertices to make your new roof


To make a new shell in Wizard, you can just copy the existing shell and
place it above by using the inputs on the first window. You can do it in
DD by copying all the components that make up the shell such as surfaces
and thermal zones, etc. and modify the elevation. Hope that helps some.






From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:04 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] how to model 2 story,multifamily w/ different
shell configuration ?


I am a new user, using DD wizard & trying to to model 2 story,
multifamily w/ different shell configuration. Can anyone help me with
two problems?

1- how to place one shell above the other? I try in DD Edit to locate
shell #2 above shell #1. The image of shell #1 is also displayed on  the
screen, I have tried to place two on top of 1 both graphically & via the
verteces in the table. The system does not accept either.

2 - how to create a partial roof? Shell #2 sits above shell #1 & a
portion of shell #1 has roof area. DD wizard has not allowed me to
create a custom roof that does not completely cover the shell.


I'd appreciate any suggestions,



Mike Diess, PE, LEED AP
LNI Consulting Engineering  
mike.diess at gmail.com
cell: 720-427-7954   fax: 608-646-1063

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