[Equest-users] DOAS and WSHP
Ana N.
ananeddav at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 16 09:00:02 PST 2009
Dear eQuest users,
I am modeling DOAS providing outdoor air to a Fan Coil System in a residential building. I created a dummy zone (adiabatic walls, zero load) and selected “sum of zone OA” for minimum OA sizing method for both DOAS and Fan Coil System. DOAS provides about 18,000 cfm of OA ( which is about right) and everything seems to work fine. However, I also need to model DOAS with WSHP for the same building. For some reason, DOAS when connected to heat pumps calculates three times more OA ( 49,000 cfm) than in the case with Fan Coils. If I override the supply flow calculated by e-quest by entering 18,000 cfm and set min outside air ratio to 1.0, e-quest resets supply flow back to 49,000cfm. When I look at System report for both options each individual heat pump / fan coils requires the same amount of outside air.
Any ideas what’s going on here? I would greatly appreciate any your suggestion.
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