[Equest-users] BDL REPORTS

Brian Fountain bfountain at greensim.com
Mon Jun 22 15:42:01 PDT 2009

I trust someone responded to this already, however, in case noone did...

The .sim file contains the DOE-2 reports generated by eQUEST.  You can 
find them in the projects directory.  You can also view them from within 
the eQUEST interface by selecting View Simulation Output in the Tools menu.

Note that the .inp file is generated by eQUEST "dynamically". 

Both the .inp and the .sim are text files.  eQUEST comes with 
D2SimViewer, a text viewer which will jump to the various DOE-2 reports 
-- but any text editor will open the .sim.

Antonio Mendoza wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there some way to produce DOE-2 (input/output) Reports in the 
> eQuest Program? 
> Thanks,
> Antonio
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