[Equest-users] Building Rotation & PDL File Size

eric wang shaojieworld2006 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 8 12:36:33 PDT 2009

For your second question, I had exactly the same problem before. The PDL file was more 3 Gigabytes. What I did is to copy and paste the inp, bdl, and project files into a new folder. Reopen your project file and save it with a different name. Maybe this is not a smart way to solve the problem. If anybody has a good idea, please share with us your thoughts.

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, O'Connor, Dennis CAR <dennis.oconnor at carrier.utc.com> wrote:

From: O'Connor, Dennis CAR <dennis.oconnor at carrier.utc.com>
Subject: [Equest-users] Building Rotation & PDL File Size
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 10:43 PM

To Whomever Might be Able to Assist Me, 
I have two questions in regard to the Equest 3.63 program: 
        1.  Can anyone point me to where I might be able to find information about rotating my building (3 Shells) in the Detail Interface? 
        2.  Has anyone else experienced a doubling in size of the *.PDL file after a "File, Save As"?  With only minor changes to my file in the Detailed Interface and
                after only a few saves, the PDL file can get over 1 Giga Bytes.  This doesn't happen every time I perform a "File Save As", but when it does, It forces me to go
                back to an older version and start over. I am using XP Professional. 
Thanks in advance for the assistance, 
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