[Equest-users] Modeling Roof Monitors

Christopher Sachs cjs at kibart.com
Mon Jul 13 13:28:05 PDT 2009

Hello All,


This is my first attempt at eQuest and the building I have to model
includes roof monitors protruding above several spaces. Currently I have
shown them as separate floors above the main shell with an air wall for
a floor construction next to the space they are associated with. When I
run the simulation with ASHRAE 90.1 windows and walls, the unmet heating
hours in the roof monitor spaces are unexpectedly high. Even when I
force the supply air to said spaces to be over an air change per minute
I am still having trouble meeting the 300 unmet hour ASHRAE limit. Is
there something I am missing or perhaps a better way to go about
modeling these spaces? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks in advance,


Christopher J. Sachs

Mechanical Design Engineer


Kibart, Inc.

Consulting Engineers

901 Dulaney Valley Rd, Suite 301

Towson, MD  21204

410.494.1111 (Phone) 

410.494.1112 (Fax)

www.kibart.com <http://www.kibart.com/>  


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