[Equest-users] Rotating the view in 3-D

Lars Fetzek lfetzek at phoenixeng.us
Mon Aug 17 07:49:37 PDT 2009

Nick and Kyle,
    Thanks much for the help with 3-D rotation.
    In answer to Nick's questions, yes it does perform the zoom function,
albiet slowly and with some delay.  Also, yes, I have selected the "3-D
Geometry" tab in the DD mode.
    When I took Kyle's suggestion of switching between solid and wire modes,
I got more results:  In wire mode, which I guess is less taxing on the CPU,
I got it to rotate!  However, my relatively robust project image disappeared
after too much rotation.
    Nick's suggestion of trying this with a simple wizard-from-scratch model
allowed roation (in wire mode) without disappearance.
    In summary, it seems that my computer simply can't handle the math
involved in doing the rotations of my actual project (as Nick suggested).
At least the mystery is solved!
Lars Fetzek, EI
Phoenix Engineering Group
Tampa, Florida


From: Nick Caton [mailto:ncaton at smithboucher.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 9:56 AM
To: Lars Fetzek
Subject: RE: [Equest-users] Rotating the view in 3-D

Hi Lars,


The "outline" effect is expected during 3D rotation, and to be sure you
should be click-dragging while holding Ctrl.  


I might suggest a few things - 


Does the view zoom in/out when you hold Shift and click-drag?


To be sure, have you selected the "3-D Geometry" tab along the top of the
display in DD?


It may well be you have computer hardware that is simply straining to
display your model in 3D. I might test that hypothesis by starting a new
project and changing no defaults from the wizard mode.  Then you'll have a
"cube" building you can try manipulating in 3D mode.  If that still doesn't
work, you might try reinstalling in hopes that something has just gone


I started using eQuest on a computer that really couldn't handle a complex
model. half my day was spent waiting for eQuest to crunch numbers!


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From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Lars Fetzek
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:25 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Rotating the view in 3-D




    It has been suggested to me that I can rotate the view in 3-D by holding
down the "control" key and clicking the left mouse button.  However, themost
reaction that I get from the computer, whether or not I drag the mouse
during the process, is a delayed and momentary portrayal of the outlines of
the building components (without areas being colored-in).  No rotation

    Any ideas how I can rotate my 3-D view?  I am in "detailed edit" mode
and would like to visually check my various shades, etc.


Lars Fetzek, EI

Phoenix Engineering Group

Tampa, Florida

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