[Equest-users] Large amount of heating load in summer and Largeamount of cooling load in winter

Steven Savich ssavich at systemswestengineers.com
Tue Apr 21 08:12:00 PDT 2009



Please attach your .inp and .pd2 files.  It's much easier to diagnose
problems when we can run the model ourselves.



Steven Savich, LEED AP

Systems West Engineers

411 High Street

Eugene, OR  97401-2427

(541) 342-7210

(541) 342-7220 (fax)


From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Nouman
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:54 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Large amount of heating load in summer and
Largeamount of cooling load in winter



I was wondering if anyone can please help me with this issue in eQuest.
There is large amount of consistent heating load in summer and large amount
of consistent cooling load in winter. Although cooling peak is in July which
makes sense, and heating peak is in January which makes sense too. I am not
able to figure out, for example there is 1800 ton peak cooling load in
summer, then in winter months cooling load is almost 900 tons, similar
situation for heating in summer. The building has mechanical systems such as
VAVs and CAVs, Chillers and boilers. Many Air systems have economizers and
Energy recovery ventilators. I also checked the SS-E report, it shows that
heating and cooling coincident hours are consistent through out the year. So
both coincident heating and cooling is happening 8760 hours of years which
is completely wrong. Can anyone please help with this problem.

Thanks a lot 

Best Regards;
Nouman Khan




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