[BLDG-SIM] Ecotect skylights

Michael Donn Michael.Donn at vuw.ac.nz
Thu Oct 18 18:23:41 PDT 2007

We have run into issues like this before with Ecotect - to the point
where I now have a KISS (Keep it simple Stupid) lecture in reserve for
my students to review the difference between visual and mathematical
Only guessing, because I have not encountered this specific issue. But I
suspect that this is also one of these visual logic vs mathematical
model issues. For example, we had students who have in the past with a
school gymnasium modelled some bleachers / upper level spectator area
using the same tools they modelled the general gym form. With the simple
gym form, the sound ray trace worked believably. With the extra seating
area modelleed so that it looked visually acceptable, the sound stayed
inside the bleacher/balcony form. What had happened was that a second
zone (bleacher) had been created inside the first (gym)  zone and the
acoustic (mathematical) model just worked on the inner zone definition,
no matter where in the larger, outer zone the visuals showed the sound
source to have been placed. 
I am imagining that there is a mathematical model (lumen method?)
linking your 'simple box' zone to the sky definition; adding another
'roof' zone that appears visually 'above' the first 'simple box' zone
does not remove that mathematical link. You would need explicitly to
change the horizontal window definition to be some form of interzone
At some point in these type of calc's you might consider that the
Ecotect quick calculation model has reached its limits and then you
would use it to export to a more capable modeller - the new Control
panel in Ecotect is a great way of running Radiance!?

Michael Donn                                                       
Associate Dean Research
Director Centre for Building Performance Research
School of Architecture  
Victoria University      +64 4 463 6221  work
PO Box 600              +64 21 611 280  mobile
Wellington                +64 4 463 6204  work fax
New Zealand             +64 21 611 594  mobilefax






From: BLDG-SIM at gard.com [mailto:BLDG-SIM at gard.com] On Behalf Of Adam
Sent: Friday, 19 October 2007 10:09 a.m.
To: BLDG-SIM at gard.com
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Ecotect skylights

My students are working on skylighting designs for simple models in
Ecotect. They are starting with a simple box with no windows. They
insert a horizontal window into the ceiling plane. Illuminance
calculations look reasonable. They then insert a roof zone on top of the
box, intending to eventually make a 'lay-light' scheme. But before
inserting any glazing into the roof zone, they run the illuminance calcs
to check the roof was inserted properly - expecting to see no daylight
in the lower box. Yet there is a low level wash on the interior. 
Anyone run into this before? Any suggestions?

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