[BLDG-SIM] Job available @ the University of Lisbon

Guilherme CG gcg at natural-works.com
Wed Jun 27 08:58:56 PDT 2007


Job available @ the University of Lisbon (www.ul.pt).







Job/Fellowship Reference: C2007-UL-IDL6 

Main research field: Environmental science 

Sub research field: 


Job summary: 

Environmental scientist to do research in sustainable energy systems. The applicants are expected to be able to contribute to one or more areas of interest in current IDL/UL research, including renewable energy integration in buildings, thermal and environmental modeling of built environments (both indoor and outdoor), and energy efficiency at the local and regional scale.


Job description:

Universidade de Lisboa | University of Lisbon


Instituto D. Luiz is seeking 1 highly motivated environmental scientist to do research in sustainable energy systems. The applicants are expected to be able to contribute to one or more areas of interest in current IDL/UL research, including renewable energy integration in buildings, thermal and environmental modeling of built environments (both indoor and outdoor), and energy efficiency at the local and regional scale.


The successful candidates will be expected to lecture and supervise students on these subjects, and to actively seek research funds through the submission of projects. Candidates must have a PhD in Enviromental Science or Engineering, or other closely related field, and a record of relevant publications in refereed journals. Candidates must be fluent in English. 


Applications must include a detailed CV, a motivation letter, links to previously published papers, and a list of up to 3 previous supervisors or employers that may be contacted for reference. Degree certificates will be required for successful candidates.

Candidates must have a minimum of 3 years postdoctoral research experience.

Application deadline: 30 August 2007

Base salary: 43 k€ (annual)

For more job opportunities in the University of Lisbon, please consult

CIENCIA 2007/PostDoctoral positions www.ul.pt <http://www.ul.pt/> 


Vacant posts: 1 

Type of contract: Contrato a termo certo 

Job country: Portugal 

Job city: Lisboa 

Job company/institute: Instituto D. Luiz 

Application deadline: 30 August 2007 


2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data 


Organization/institute: Centro de Geofísica, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa 

Campo Grande 
Lisboa - 1749-016 Lisboa 

Email:  <mailto:pmmiranda at fc.ul.pt> pmmiranda at fc.ul.pt 

Website:  <http://www.igidl.ul.pt/> http://www.igidl.ul.pt/ 

3. Habilitações académicas
3. Required education Level 





Degree field: 

Environmental science



Main Research Field:

Environmental science

Research Sub-Field:


Years of Research Experience:

3 years


6. Juri
6. Selection Committee 



Stephen <http://www.eracareers.pt/Organizations/index.aspx?task=showMember&jobID=5992&juriID=322&lang=en>  Connors



Jean-Pierre <http://www.eracareers.pt/Organizations/index.aspx?task=showMember&jobID=5992&juriID=323&lang=en>  Burg



Anton <http://www.eracareers.pt/Organizations/index.aspx?task=showMember&jobID=5992&juriID=324&lang=en>  Beljaars



João <http://www.eracareers.pt/Organizations/index.aspx?task=showMember&jobID=5992&juriID=325&lang=en>  Santos Pereira



Pedro <http://www.eracareers.pt/Organizations/index.aspx?task=showMember&jobID=5992&juriID=326&lang=en>  M. A. Miranda


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