[BLDG-SIM] Simplied windows and glass libraries

D. Charlie Curcija curcija at ecs.umass.edu
Wed Apr 25 06:21:39 PDT 2007

The best way to accurately model windows is with WINDOW and THERM software
(windows.lbl.gov).  These tools are also used for NFRC (National
Fenestration Rating Council) certifications.  However, you will need all of
the details of frame and glazing design to be able to utilize these tools.
WINDOW program is used to model glazing system and THERM program is used to
model frame and edge of glass sections.  The whole product is then assembled
again in WINDOW program, so WINDOW has dual role.  While WINDOW program is
easy to learn and can be accomplished in half a day, THERM program requires
2-3 days of training for novice users.  Several companies offer training and
our company (www.designbuildersoftware.com) is one of them.  WINDOW program
creates DOE2 report file, which can be used with DOE 2.2 to assign windows.
That provides the most accurate way to model windows energy performance in a
If you don't have all of the details and wish to get estimated performance,
you can use one of the predefined windows in DOE 2.2, closest to what you
have.  You should not use simplified way (i.e., by assigning simple
U-factor, SHGC and VT as single number), because that produces gross errors.
EnergyPlus program, which is newer generation energy simulation engine from
DOE does not even have an option to specify windows and doors that way.  You
have to have WINDOW EnergyPlus report file (equivalent to DOE2 report file)
or use one of predefined windows in EnergyPlus.  Our tool DesignBuilder uses
EnergyPlus simulation engine, so you can try it out.
If you have further questions, you can contact us directly.
Charlie Curcija


From: BLDG-SIM at gard.com [mailto:BLDG-SIM at gard.com] On Behalf Of Kevin J.
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:05 AM
To: BLDG-SIM at gard.com
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Simplied windows and glass libraries

Can anyone offer advice on the most accurate route to model window
There are discrepancies between modeling glazing from doe library and then
modeling those values in simplified mode.
Is this steady state vs. transient heat transfer?  I am not familiar and I
could use a lesson in thermo.
Is this discussed in the Engineer's Manual?  How about if I used Window5?
Will I be able to import Window files into Doe2.2?
I would be grateful of any assistance.


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