[BLDG-SIM] Modeling a variable air volume make up air fan system

Chris Jones cj at cr-jay.ca
Tue Mar 9 12:14:53 PST 2004

I haven't used eQUEST but the OA-FROM--SYSTEM is in DOE2.1e.  You need to 
create a dummy space and zone.  Set the temperature to the average make-up 
air supply.  I don't know about eQUEST (DOE2.2) but it is next to 
impossible to get the make-up air system to simulate a variable flow to 
match what is happening in the systems it serves.  You might need to set a 
MIN-AIR-SCH and MIN-CFM-SCH to match what you think is happening in the 16 
VAV handlers.  You might need to run hourly reports to determine the amount 
of total OA required to match the 16 VAV systems.

>Greetings All,
>I am working on a project where I have a make-up ventilation air system 
>that serves 16 VAV air-handlers (one per floor).  The make-up air fan has 
>a VFD to maintain constant pressure in the duct as the OA Dampers at each 
>floor modulate open and closed.  I am using DOE2.2 (eQUEST) and need help 
>using the OA-FROM-SYSTEM command.  Specifically, I cannot resolve how to 
>add a system (make-up air fan) without a conditioned zone.  Do I just 
>create a dummy zone that it serves or is there a better way.
>Could someone who has used this command before and modeled a similar 
>system please offer some advise.
>Thank you.
>Michael Tillou, PE
>etc Group, Inc.
>PO Box 749,  North Adams, MA 01247
>Ph. (413) 458-9870   Mbl. (413) 
>652-1087  <http://www.etcgrp.com>www.etcgrp.com
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Chris Jones, P. Eng.
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