[BLDG-SIM] Double-skin buildings

Pueltz, Gunter GPueltz at MuellerBBM.de
Thu Mar 25 23:36:29 PST 2004

The outstanding software ESP-r from ESRU, Prof. Joe Clarke, is able to
simulate double skin glazed curtainwalls ...... ; see
http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/ <http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/> 
In the wide range of commercial simulation tools (i.e. eplus, trnsys, DOE,
ESP-r is a premium candidate for this task !
Gunter P?ltz

Dr.-Ing. Gunter P?ltz
M?ller-BBM GmbH
Robert-Koch-Str. 11
82152 Planegg bei M?nchen
Telefon +49 (89) 85602-336
Telefax +49 (89) 85602-111
 <http://www.mbbm.de/> http://www.mbbm.de
email:plz at mbbm.de 

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Hassid [mailto:cvrhasd at techunix.technion.ac.il]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:32 PM
To: BLDG-SIM at gard.com
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Double-skin buildings

   I was wondering if one can tell us something about programs which can
handle double-skin glazed curtainwalls.
In particular, is DOE2.1 capable of handling buildings with such elements -
or do the assumptions on the internal heat transfer coefficient and other
features make it unsuitable for this particular application?
S.  Hassid

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